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STAR WARS Gets Its Own LEGO Olympic Games

And now, here at the blaster shooting competition, representing the First Order and stromtroopers everywhere, is Olympian TK-421. He’ll be going up against the wookiee from Kashyyyk, Chewbacca, who has already had a very successful round with his bowcaster.

TK-421 steps up and fires two shots and… oh, this is unfortunate. He isn’t even close! He wasn’t anywhere near his target. Oh, that’s going to stay with him for a very, very long time. And if the rumors are to be believed, it might literally cost him his life when Kylo Ren finds out. Oh, this is a sad day for the galactic sports world indeed.

While our Earth Olympics is said to foster a coming together in peace and unity, it’s hard to expect as much from the galaxy far, far away. Especially when the competitors are made up of combatants from the light and dark sides of the Force. And this is hardly the only difference between our realms’ games. When our athletes duel, they wear protective gear so no one gets hurt; they don’t win by chopping off the other guy’s hand.

This LEGO Star Wars Olympics comes to us from the very talented people at Toscano Bricks. We don’t want to give away too many jokes before you see it, but we do want to say that the Droid Dash might include one of our favorite Star Wars fan jokes we’ve ever seen. If anything can bring people together, even more than the Olympics, it’s the question, “Who shot first?”

Name a real Olympic event and then tell us which Star Wars character would be the best person at it in our comments below.

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Images: Toscano Bricks

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