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Experience THE FORCE AWAKENS in 30 Seconds with LEGO

We are finally within porg screaming distance of The Last Jedi arriving in theaters, which means Star Wars fans everywhere are getting ready for the film by re-watching The Force Awakens. For the 100th time. But what if you just don’t have the time to squeeze in one more viewing before the galaxy far, far away returns next month? The holiday season is a busy time of year for many, between gift buying and having to finish all of those work projects before we bid adieu to 2017. Well don’t worry if you’re swamped with other responsibilities the next few weeks, because you can still get a refresher on what happened in the last movie thanks to this fantastic 30-second version of the film from LEGO.

In less time than it takes to pour yourself a glass of blue milk, LEGO has condensed the entire film down to the most vital parts. But just because this is very short that does not mean it is lacking in details. In fact, hopefully you at least have a few minutes to indulge in a “re-watch,” because you’ll want to replay this a bunch of times to catch everything that was included.

When it comes right down to it, The Force Awakens really was just one big chase scene to see who could reach the old hermit first. What else do you need to remember to before seeing The Last Jedi? And now we have at least two hours of our life freed up the next few weeks.

Maybe we’ll use them to re-watch Rogue One.

Is there any part of the movie they left out that should have made it in?  Share what you would have liked to have seen included in our comments below.

Keep using the Force with more Star Wars stories!

Images: LEGO

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