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STAR WARS Fans Start Petition to Make Leia an Official Disney Princess

STAR WARS Fans Start Petition to Make Leia an Official Disney Princess

To date, there are 11 official Disney Princesses: Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Pocahontas, Mulan (even though she isn’t actually a princess, but go figure), Tiana, Rapunzel, and Merida. Though different in many ways, the members of this group have one thing in common–they’re all animated. But that official requirement means the actual best princess under the Disney banner isn’t eligible for formal recognition. I’m talking about Star Wars‘ Princess Leia. Fortunately a new petition that hopes to pay tribute to the late Carrie Fisher is trying to change that.

We first came across this petition at Cinemablend, and as of this writing it already has over 57,000 of the 75,000 supporters it is looking for to formally submit the petition to Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger.

“After the tragic loss of Carrie Fisher, we feel that it is only fitting for Disney to do away with the rule that an official Disney princess must be animated and make Leia a full-fledged princess. This would be a wonderful way to remember Carrie and a welcoming to one of Disney’s new properties that is beloved by millions.”


Yes it would, especially since they are hoping that Disney will hold a “full ceremony inducting Leia as the newest Disney princess as well as a special service in memory of Carrie Fisher.” While they could (and should) do that without formally making General Leia an official Disney Princess, but there are other reasons to support this petition, since Disney Princesses frequently get special merchandise and inclusion in Disney products and programs.

More and lasting recognition for a princess that was defined not by her status but by her role as a courageous leader in a rebellion is a great idea, as is any chance to pay tribute to Carrie Fisher.

After you sign the petition here, travel to the comments section not so far, far away below to tell us why you think Leia should be an official Disney princess.

Images: Lucasfilm

Below, we discuss how Lucasfilm may be handling Leia’s Star Wars IX role

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