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Is This How General Leia Organa Will Return for STAR WARS: EPISODE IX?

Warning: Potential spoilers for Star Wars: Episode IX are ahead!

Carrie Fisher‘s tragic demise in 2016 seemed like it would mean the end of the road for Leia Organa two years before Episode IX was scheduled to begin filming. While Lucasfilm has previously indicated The Last Jedi would be the last time Fisher appeared as General Organa on the big screen, director J.J. Abrams announced last week that Fisher will be in the movie after all. Unused footage from The Force Awakens will bring back Leia one more time. Today’s Nerdist News examines a report that may shed some light on Leia’s final story.

Join host and the voice of the Resistance Jessica Chobot as she takes us through an intriguing subplot that was left out of The Force Awakens. Making Star Wars had a leaked synopsis for The Force Awakens in 2015 which turned out to be almost exactly on point–however, one of the missing subplots involved Leia and the Resistance getting their own super weapon to counter the advance of the First Order.

As originally conceived, the super weapon (a.k.a. the Warhammer) would have been destroyed by the First Order, which would have established why Leia and the Resistance were in hiding. If there’s enough Leia footage to justify the return of that subplot, it could tie into the end of The Last Jedi. With the Resistance reduced to just a handful of fighters, the Warhammer could prove to be critical in the fight against the First Order.

That may serve a purpose in the larger story of the film, but what we really want to see is an emotionally satisfying wrap up for Leia. Within the Star Wars universe, Leia is the last of the original trilogy trio who is still alive. She deserves a proper ending.

How do you feel about this potential story for Leia in Episode IX? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Lucasfilm

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