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Watch BB-8 Mess with His Evil STAR WARS Twin, BB-9E

There’s a lot we’re hoping to see in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Rey becoming even more of a badass as she trains to be a Jedi, Luke explaining why he bailed on everyone he knew, and–fingers crossed–Chewbacca’s preferred way to cook and eat a Porg. Adding to that list is any and all interaction between BB-8 and his jet-black First Order counterpart, BB-9E. Thankfully, Star Wars‘ twitter account gave us a little taste a few months early.

The short 40-second animated clip gives us everything we need to know about the two spherical droids’ relationship. The happy-go-lucky BB-8 literally runs (or rolls) circles around the Dark Side astromech and leaves him completely out of sorts. The clip is part of the #StarWarsBlips that seem to focus on the day to day (battery)life of BB-8. Whether it’s comparing abilities with R2D2 or showing off some footage of his hero to some droid buddies.

Recently, The Last Jedi seems to be paying a lot of attention to the sidekick characters and their general cuteness which likely means one of two things. Either the main plot of the film is so dark that we’ll need them to lighten the mood or we’re finally getting the Chewbacca and droid-centric movie we’ve always wanted.

What’s your favorite #StarWarsBlips so far?  Any idea what sort of wine pairs nicely with Porg?  Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Star Wars

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