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STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT Will Feature Team Deathmatch Mode Called ‘Blast’

The newest game mode to be included in Star Wars Battlefront has just been confirmed. Frag-centric gamers and classic shooter players can rejoice, because the game will, indeed, have a Team Deathmatch mode called Blast. The mode is a 10 v 10 race to reach 100 kills—or have the most kills—within a ten minute timeframe. DICE states that there are maps specifically tailored for Blast, which will therefore not be as vast as the maps featured in other modes. That said, don’t expect any smaller or scaled-down versions of maps that already exist. DICE has instead built unique play areas altogether, which Lead Level Designer Dennis Brännvall took a little time to explain:

“One battle you’ll be fighting within interior levels on Endor or Sullust. In the next battle, you might find yourselves among Tatooine’s dusty canyons, or inside the undeniably cool Ice Caves on Hoth. My favorite is the verticality of Tatooine, fighting by the Sandcrawler.” Brännvall stated.

“Say you’ve just played Walker Assault mode on Hoth and then switched to Blast, still on Hoth. Thanks to variations in lighting and time of day, you’ll definitely see a difference.”

If you’re more into tactical and objective-based gameplay, like myself, then this is a mode you’ll probably want to reserve for just warming up your trigger finger. However, if your primary concern when playing online shooters is to kill, and only to kill, then this mode should certainly prove to be a blast (huehue).

Star Wars Battlefront will be available across the galaxy on November 17. Will “Blast” be your go to way of playing Star Wars Battlefront online? What has been your favorite Star Wars Battlefront mode unveiled so far? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Star Wars EA

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