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STAR WARS and GAME OF THRONES Collide in These Beautiful Mash-Ups

Alright, the internet. Pack it in and go home. Someone’s gone and mashed-up the two worlds we just might love the most. Combining Game of Thrones characters into the Star Wars universe hits an Achilles heel we probably should have known we had. Actually, if you were to throw a sonic screwdriver into the mix somewhere, you’d end up with pretty much the entire internet’s fandom just drooling to order prints.TranGOTSW003

Created by illustrator Andrew Tran and featured on a recent post from io9, these incredible mash-ups of GoT and SW worlds seem almost too good. Like they’re just waiting to be made into a cross-over graphic novel. Each Game of Thrones character re-imagined as either Sith, Jedi, or smuggler seems to be a perfect balance between both worlds without seeming outlandish or unbalanced. TranGOTSW002

Tran–who goes by doctaword on Instagram–blended the worlds so well that we simply must go over the subtle and wonderful details of them. Daenerys may have a dragon-equivalent rancor by her side but it’s her golden flame lightsabers with clawed hilts that show Tran took care in what he was mashing up. It’s pretty easy to draw the parallel from The Night’s King to Darth Maul, but to know that a powerful character like Melisandre would more than likely never fight hand to hand results in her portrait where she’s menacingly force-controlling her multiple light sabers. Then there are the small touches of having a Needle-like light saber for Arya that’s held in confident elegance, or the robotic sword hand of Jedi (?) Jaime Lannister. And of course we can now never un-see Tyrion as a scoundrel because he is absolutely the Han Solo of the GoT universe.

Take a look at all the mash-ups in the gallery and let us know which one is your favorite. And let’s discuss in the comments section what characters you wish Andrew Tran would mash-up next!

Images: Andrew Tran


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