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STAR TREK: DISCOVERY’s First Reactions Are Very Positive

Fans have been patiently waiting for Star Trek to return to television screens for over a decade now. Needless to say, the anticipation for the upcoming Star Trek: Discovery series on CBS All Access is high. But as excited as fans have been, many have also been scared that the latest Trek series would turn out to be “Trek in Name Only.”

The trailers we have seen so far have looked sleek, not to mention action packed, but they also look a little too reminiscent of Star Wars in some ways. Trek has always been about a lot more than just cool sci-fi action and fight sequences; it’s stories about the human condition, and it always deals with larger, philosophical issues in ways uncommon among other mainstream sci-fi franchises.

Although proper reviews of Discovery remain under embargo until the show’s launch date on September 24th, fans who got to attend the premiere in Hollywood on Tuesday night were permitted to tweet out their thoughts on the first two episodes. So far, the reaction has been very positive overall. Is this the grand return that Star Trek fans have been waiting for? It sure seems that way so far!

You can check out some of the first reactions to the pilot episode down below, and lets start with our very own Dan Casey’s thoughts on the two-part series premiere…

Of course, dissenting opinions will be forthcoming as well, it’s inevitable. But so far, this seems like a promising start for the latest incarnation of one of science fiction’s most iconic and enduring brands. You’ll be able to make up your own minds when Star Trek: Discovery premieres on Sunday, September 24th.

Are you more excited for Discovery now than you were before? Or are you still skeptical and raising a Spock-like eyebrow? Be sure to let us know down below in the comments.

Images: CBS

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