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Spies in the Basement: “Ain’t it Cool”

With the release of The Bourne Legacy this weekend and Skyfall on the way for a November release, Harry talks about spy films on the Nerdist Channel’s Ain’t it Cool with Harry Knowles. That’s Knowles… Harry Knowles. Oh, and he also talks about Paranorman and zombies, so there’s that, too.

“Do you expect me to talk?” “No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to subscribe to the Nerdist Channel.”

Daniel Radcliffe's Penis Saves the Day in SWISS ARMY MAN Red Band Trailer

Daniel Radcliffe's Penis Saves the Day in SWISS ARMY MAN Red Band Trailer

The Funniest, Silliest Courtroom Scenes from Film and Television

The Funniest, Silliest Courtroom Scenes from Film and Television

Why Jaime Lannister Sunk So Deep and His Chances of Surviving

Why Jaime Lannister Sunk So Deep and His Chances of Surviving
