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What the Official SPIDER-MAN 2 Title Means For the Webhead

If Tom Holland didn’t exist, then movie rumor sites would have to invent him. The star of Spider-Man: Homecoming and the MCU’s first Spidey has developed a well-earned reputation for spilling secrets in the short time since he took on his signature role. During a convention over the weekend, Holland “accidentally” revealed that the sequel to Homecoming will be called Spider-Man: Far From Home. Today’s Nerdist News is examining the implications of that reveal and what it may mean for Peter Parker.

Join host and Spider-Slayer, Jessica Chobot, as she offers up our theories about Far From Home. Considering that Marvel’s Kevin Feige confirmed the name less than a day after Holland’s faux pas, we suspect that the entire episode was simply staged to take advantage of Holland’s rep. However, it does seem to fit with what we already heard about the movie, regarding Spidey’s rumored trip overseas.

Although Feige is currently playing coy about when Far From Home will take place, he had previously said that it would start minutes after Avengers 4. Don’t look so shocked, everyone knew that cliffhanger wouldn’t stick for Peter Parker. But that doesn’t mean Peter won’t be dealing with the mental and emotional fallout from his ordeal. Far From Home could also indicate that Peter’s ties with Ned and the rest of his friends may also come into play. Any good Spider-Man story always deals with Peter’s heart and his anguish. He may not be able to simply slip back into his life as a high school student without time to recover. If so, then the film’s emotional journey will probably be about Spidey reconnecting with his life and dealing with his existential crisis.

But what’s a Spider-Man movie without a villain? Jake Gyllenhaal isn’t confirmed as Mysterio, but he would be an ideal bad guy for this story. Mysterio’s illusions can play upon his victim’s fears and anxieties, and Spidey may be at a particularly vulnerable moment in his life when we catch up with him.

How do you think Far From Home will reflect Spider-Man’s next cinematic adventure? Share your theories in the comment section below!

Images: Sony/Marvel Studios

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