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SNL Big Game Commercial Parody Turns Paranormal

As you might have heard, today is Super Bowl 50, or as commercials have to say for copyright purposes, “the Big Game.” And not only are commercials going to be the talk of the interwebs today, there’s also going to be and have been a ton of commercials ABOUT the Big Game, and usually they have to do with how a bunch of dudes sit around a TV and act like morons while their ridiculously understanding wives or girlfriends make them food or bring them beer. It’s a very old and outdated kind of advertising rhetoric, but it nevertheless shows up every year.

So, of course, leave it to Saturday Night Live to make fun of that, and to turn it on its ear.

I can’t think of anyone more perfect to play the Everywife in this parody than Vanessa Bayer whose persona is always of unbridled cheerfulness. The parody makes fun of the cardigan clad provider role women usually have in Super Bowl commercials before making fun of how there’s always SOMETHING major happening in the fake game the men are watching. Naturally, pizza rolls do make the best Big Game food, by the way.

Things take a super weird turn when she realizes nobody’s watching anything and are just chanting either “touchdown” or “fumble” for no reason… But it’s actually a promo for The X-Files so it all makes sense. Brilliant capper to a quick, biting bit of media satire.

I don’t think many of the actual Big Game commercials will be able to hold a candle to this one. Let us know your thoughts on the parody in the comments below!

HT: Entertainment Weekly
Image: NBC

Kyle Anderson is the Weekend Editor and a film and TV critic for Follow him on Twitter!

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