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Woo Hoo! THE SIMPSONS Search Engine Matches Any Quote with the Right Screenshot

“Aaaand here come the pretzels.”

I say this particular Simpsons quote at minimum once a week, and have for nearly two decades. In case you can’t place the context: Poor Marge’s failed promotion of Pretzel Wagon pretzels at Springfield War Memorial Stadium led to Baseball Hall-of-Famer Whitey Ford being pelted with a barrage of what would from then on be known as “Whitey-Whackers.”

I love that scene more than almost anything else in life, and I can picture it in my mind like I’m watching it on T.V. right now. Don’t worry if you can’tm though, because we now have, without question, the greatest technological advancement in all of human history:, The Simpsons search engine that will match over three million quotes from the show’s first 15 seasons with their appropriate screen grabs.

This wonderful creation from Paul Kehrer, Sean Schulte, and Allie Young uses the closed captioning of the episodes to find the corresponding images. So don’t bother with an episode description—just quotes.

The screenshots are “indexed by the quote they are associated with,” and the site “has a variety of features to help you find the exact screenshot you’re looking for.” The more specific your quote, the greater chance of finding the precise scene.

If you are already overwhelmed trying to think of some of your favorites, just search #Frinkiac on Twitter to see what other fans thought of.

Uh, I’ll be your friend.

As a head’s up, it does look like the site has been getting a little overwhelmed in these past couple of days due to an influx of traffic. But stay with it because it does work and you will now be able to find the perfect image and quote to send your friends when you want to make them laugh. (My second search involved the words “dental” and “plan.”)

What is the first quote you are going to look up? Tell us below so we can too.

Images: Fox

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