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That Time Alan Rickman and David Bowie Were in a SIMPSONS Scene Together – Sort of

In a spot-on parody of the Alan Rickman film Love Actually three years ago, Professor Snape and the music of David Bowie made appearances to endorse a climactic grand romantic gesture by the Hugh Grant-ish British Prime Minister.

(Yes, yes, I know it wasn’t JUST an Alan Rickman film. I was paying it a compliment because Rickman rules.)

Neither Bowie nor Rickman were actually in the recording studio for it, however–executive producer Matt Selman had wanted the former Goblin King as a guest, but never managed to wrangle it, while Severus Snape was voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch in a pitch-perfect imitation. If, for whatever reason, a younger Snape is required in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, he’ll do in a pinch.

The clip has been resurfacing online a lot lately, as unfortunate, terrible, horrible, no-good circumstances coincidentally brought Rickman and Bowie together again in the news. But don’t worry, celebrities: it is still safe to be impersonated on The Simpsons by other people. If there were any kind of curse associated with it, Arnold “McBain” Schwarzenegger would have been in trouble a long time ago.

No, what we’ve got here is a combination of the law of averages and the human mind’s predisposition to create patterns in what it perceives. It’s just kind of nifty that it makes a fun way to remember Snape ‘n’ Stardust–which, by the way, would have been the greatest idea for a British cop-buddy comedy EVER.

Watch the clip above, and tell us below if what you feel in your heart afterward is love, actually.

image: Fox

h/t: Entertainment Weekly

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