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SILICON VALLEY: Watch the First Episode For Free

Season One of Silicon Valley, the new half-hour comedy from Office Space and King of the Hill creator Mike Judge, premiered last night on HBO, but you can watch the first episode of the show right now on YouTube for free. Loosely based on Judge’s own experience as a tech engineer in the late ’80s, Silicon Valley is the story of Richard (Thomas Middleditch) and his start up Pied Piper.

While the premiere episode focused more heavily on the story, the following episodes are more joke dense and by the end of Episode 2, we have a much better idea of who these guys are. Stealing every scene they’re in are T.J. Miller and Zach Woods, as well as Matt Ross and Christopher Evan Welch playing dueling CEO’s fighting over Pied Piper.

Silicon Valley almost plays as a perfect send up of the gravity that was portrayed in David Fincher’s Academy Award nominated film The Social Network. Thomas Middleditch is a reluctant Mark Zuckerberg who looks and dresses the part just with none of the snappy dialogue or ruthless snark. In the words of Erlich Bachman later in the series, Richard still needs to “learn to be an asshole.”

Even though they may not always get along on the show, Nerdist’s own Kumail Nanjiani, who plays Dinesh, told us, “We all got along super well and we hang out all the time. It’s actually kind of gross how well we got along. Yeah. It’s super gross.”

Check out the first episode for free, embedded from HBO’s YouTube channel below. From more from Silicon Valley star Kumail Nanjiani check out The Indoor Kids podcast.

Silicon Valley airs Sundays at 10/9c.


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  1. Tmatte says:

    Awesome I loved the whole ensemble I hope we get to see more Kumail …now to hunt down an HBO GO username and password

  2. Andrew says:

    Loved it, been excited about this since I heard it was coming. Shame I don’t do cable anymore this is tempting for it.

  3. Mark says:

    Noooo… I should’ve checked beforehand. Erm, I’ve no idea what you are talking about Robert!

  4. Robert says:


    Uh, the video isn’t available in the UK. Surely you don’t mean to say that you know how to access a proxy to stream US-only YT videos, but are unable to figure out how to access a pirate bay proxy? :p

  5. Mark says:

    So awesome this is available for free! I was worried that living in the UK I’d have trouble getting ahold of this. Really looking forward to watching it.

  6. Sean Fuller says:

    I have lived and worked in the tech industry in Silicon Valley for over 23 years now. Worked for a lot of Start-Ups and this show has hit the nail on the head! Another winner from Mike Judge!

  7. Murphy1d says:

    Loved it. Will look to DL it on Amazon Instant (hopefully).

  8. Troy says:

    I wish i could afford HBO. I liked it 🙂