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SHERLOCK’s Official Christmas Special Trailer is Positively Victorian

Alright Watson, it’s time to go back — to the Victorian era. In a new trailer (and photo) released on Thursday — because San Diego Comic-Con — the rumors that Sherlock‘s forthcoming Christmas Special would somehow travel back in time — OMG maybe on the TARDIS for the WHOLOCK mash-up of so many fanboys and girls’ dreams? (Don’t stop believin’, you guys) — to the more traditional Holmesian atmosphere was confirmed.

First there was the new photo released by BBC One on Twitter Wednesday, once again setting aflame all the speculatory rumors given the look of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman’s Holmes and Watson. Looking decidedly less modern than any other iteration (save the first image we saw earlier in the year — in the header image above) of the Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss-helmed take on the classic Sir Arthur Conan Doyle detective, the tweet came affixed with the vague-sounding caption, “Shut up everybody, shut up! Don’t move, don’t speak, don’t breathe. A new #Sherlock Special image has landed.” Leaving us, naturally, with a ton of questions. Questions that only doubled — nay quadrupled! — when the trailer was released after the Comic-Con trailer.


Thankfully, we have 169 days to speculate and ponder just how in the heck these two end up back in time on Christmas Day.

What do you think of the boys’ new duds? Have any theories as to how the boys end up back in time? Let’s hear it all in the comments.

Alicia Lutes is the Associate Editor of The Nerdist. You can spam her with GIFs @alicialutes.



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