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SHENMUE 3 Adds Yet Another Stretch Goal

Oh, man, Yu Suzuki, (creator) truly believes the fans will back his project with their wallets. Recently we reported that a new $10 million goal was added which already seemed like an unreachable objective. Apparently that was just the beginning as a new stretch goal of $11 million has been added. Reaching said monetary target would add the Baílu Village expanded magic maze. Something tells me this might be too high of an asking price even if it was one of the best surprises to come out of E3.

Here’s the quick update from the Kickstarter page:

“Yu Suzuki has planned a few Stretch Goals for Shenmue 3. It has been 14+ years after all! For the different areas that will make up the game, Yu-san felt that he should focus on making each area as fully immersive as possible before moving on to the next new one, so the area portions of the Stretch Goals have been grouped together.

When it was decided Shenmue 3 would be a go on Kickstarter, Yu-san methodically structured how the game would fit together, knowing that it would change depending on how much could be raised here. The different elements of the game would form a scaffold, building up from each new system and mechanic that would enhance the game as a whole.”

The above video also clarifies a bit of what will happen if the targets are indeed reached. If that’s still not enough to clarify the situation, Yu-san held a Twitch Stream Friday night to explain all the intricacies. No worries if you missed the broadcast, it will go up on their page soon. Here’s a quick sum up of what he covered:

“Yu-san will get deeper into the Stretch Goals and explain the different elements he has laid out Shenmue 3. He will also be addressing many of your comments and questions that have amassed thus far, so please tune in!”


Whether the expenses needed will be acquired is yet to be seen. At the moment the project already has about 46,000 backers and $3.7 million in pledges. There are only 20 more days left to back this undertaking, so, sadly I don’t believe these higher objectives will be reached. But hey, at least Yu-san is trying to create the best product possible.

I’d love to see Sony not only support them by giving them a stage to announce the game but by investing a little bit more financially. It would be a win-win for everyone involved. Sony would be seen as the hero, Yu Suzuki would build his dream title, and fans would get the ultimate Shenmue experience. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like they believe in the opportunity or else they would have already funded the whole thing from the beginning. Plus they’ve already said that Sony will be assisting with the marketing and partially finance the PS4 version.

Either way, the amount of support shown by the fans is impressive. It already is extremely successful by most standards. At least we know Shenmue 3 is on it’s way in some shape or form and that’s good enough for me. Are you planning on backing the game? Let us know in the comments section below.

HT: Kickstarter

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