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Buffy, Leia, Leslie Knope, and More Personify the #ShePersisted Memes

“She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”

If you’ve been paying attention to the current political climate in the United States, you’re likely familiar with the words above from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. For the rest of you, the basic jist is this: during the Tuesday night debate over now-confirmed attorney general Jeff Sessions, Senate Republicans voted to rebuke Senator Elizabeth Warren for what they viewed as a attack on Sessions’ character after Warren attempted to read an old letter from the late Coretta Scott King, civil rights activist and widow of Martin Luther King, Jr., who had previously spoken out against Sessions’ nomination for federal judge in 1986. Shortly thereafter, a male counterpart of hers read the exact letter uninterrupted.

It was a moment that resonated with many women—and the justification by McConnell quickly became a rallying cry. So, naturally, the internet didn’t let the quote go to waste, pairing it with images of the most inspirational female characters, and we couldn’t help but round up some of our favorites below to remind all women that sometimes you must persist in the face of resistance.

Like this one of Leia and Darth Vader:

And hero to rogue Parks Department employees everywhere, Leslie Knope:

But they didn’t stop there, with fandom mash-ups and fan art making an even more powerful statement:

Regardless of your personal politics, there’s no denying the power in seeing these images when combined with some of our favorite characters rising above oppression. If you’re interested in repping this statement on a physical piece of clothing too, graphic designer Matt Rudinski has created a “Nevertheless, She Persisted” t-shirt you can buy. (All proceeds benefit Planned Parenthood.)

Have you seen other great examples of fictional female resilience that fit this quote? Feel free to let us know in the comments!

Featured Image: 20th Century Fox

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