Carly Lane

The Cast of DUMBO on How the Movie Blends Fantasy and Reality

The Cast of DUMBO Celebrate Tim Burton’s Vision and Kindness

DUMBO's Batman Returns Reunion

The GREMLINS Novelization is Even Wackier Than the Movie

The 10 Scariest Monsters from THE X-FILES


THE X-FILES is Coming Back, But Its Writers’ Room Hasn’t Left the ’90s

Kara Meets a Stranger in SUPERGIRL: BEING SUPER #4 (Exclusive Preview)

WYNONNA EARP’s Dominique Provost-Chalkley Talks “Bloody Good” Season…

WONDER WOMAN's Most Hilarious Scene Was Entirely Improvised

WYNONNA EARP is Back and Badder Than Ever Before (REVIEW)

WONDER WOMAN'S Greatest Strength is Its Heart

SENSE8’s Relationships Deserve a Proper Ending

The Cast of STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Reflects on Carrie Fisher's Legacy

How TWIN PEAKS' New Non-Network Home Changes the Show and How We Watch It

How The Music of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2 Manipulates Your Emotions

THE FLASH Finally Made Its Best Decision with Caitlin Snow

Why Media and Technology are the Scariest Gods on AMERICAN GODS

How THE HANDMAID'S TALE is a Story of Quiet Defiance

Celebration Was Truly a Love Letter to STAR WARS

How STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II Tells the Story of the Heroes of the Empire

Could Rey Bring Balance to the Force in STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI?

Luke Skywalker's THE LAST JEDI Journey May Be One of Its Most Compelling Stories

THE HANDMAID'S TALE Extended Version Releases as an Audiobook