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Episode 189: Sex Nerd Sandra
The New Monogamy with Dr. Tammy Nelson!

Sex Nerd Sandra #189: The New Monogamy with Dr. Tammy Nelson!

KEEPING SECRETS! Sandra seeks therapist & author Dr. Tammy Nelson’s wisdom for creating intentional monogamy, especially after infidelity. TOPICS: 2nd marriages, occupations that cheat, fixing yourself, transformative sex, redefining relationships, surviving affairs, fixing marriage, explicit vs. impact agreements, committing to forever, unconditional love problems, love as a choice, desexualizing your relationship, planning sex, anticipatory eroticism, arousal before desire, types of affairs, monogamy continuum, betrayal, integrity, getting more of what we like and opening your frontal cortex.

Dr. Tammy Nelson is a sex and relationship expert, an international speaker, an author and a licensed psychotherapist with almost three decades of experience working with individuals and couples. She is currently in private practice for almost 18 years and is the author of several books. She holds a Doctorate in Philosophy and Psychology, is a Board Certified Sexologist, a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Registered Art Therapist, a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, a Certified Imago Relationship therapist, a Certified Imago Workshop Presenter, and an Advanced Imago Clinician.

Dr. Nelson is author of “Getting the Sex You Want; Shed Your Inhibitions and Reach New Heights of Passion Together” (2008) “What’s Eating You? A Workbook for Anorexia and Bulimia” (2004) and “The New Monogamy; Redefining Your Relationship After Infidelity” (January 2013), and writes for The Huffington Post and YourTango, as well as many other prestigious blogs.

She has been featured in Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, The Sun, The New York Times, Redbook, Glamour, and many other magazines and websites for her expertise. Tammy gives workshops and intensives for couples and trains therapists around the world on issues relating human relationships. She is a sought-after speaker and master trainer, teaching thousands of therapists. She supervises students and well seasoned clinicians in groups and individually from all around the world, and is a consultant for agencies, group practices and foundations. She is a premier marketer and creates publicity campaigns that reach audiences in the hundreds of thousands, both for clinical and consumer audiences. She is committed to radical global relational change and available at

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