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Sesame Street, as always, has its finger on the pulse of relevant pop culture. For decades, the show has been able to continually put out content that entertains parents as much as it does the children it’s intended for. More recently, their parodies of movies and television shows have been, let’s face it, just amazing. Whether it’s Grover and Game Of Thrones or Cookie Monster in his Avengers or Harry Potter parodies, the show consistently keeps up with what’s relevant and speaks to why the show has been around so long. They even did a Birdman parody and had Cookie Monster do an un-boxing video!

In their latest parody, we see Cookie Monster in the role of John Hammond, taking ancient cookie crumbs and creating a monstrous confection known only as… JURASSIC COOKIE! It’s not as pun-heavy as the other parodies have been but it still shows us a bit of a Sesame-fied Isla Nublar, complete with the iconic gates, the main lobby with a dino cookie skeleton, and Jurassic Park‘s kitchen scene.

Other parodies aside, I would pay embarrassing amounts of money to see a full-length Jurassic Park movie done with Sesame Street characters. I feel we missed out on what they could have done with Dennis Nedry or Chief Engineer Ray Arnold. OH MAN! They could have done a parody about “please and thank you” and still had the “ah ah ah, you didn’t say the magic word” phrase in there. Plus, Muppet Wayne Knight would probably be the best thing ever.

What do you think of Jurassic Cookie? OOH! Mr. D.N.Elmo! It could have been amazing! (Man, I have got to go work for Sesame Street.) What other puns do you think would have worked with this parody? Let us know in the comments below.

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