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Thanks to the past five years they’ve spent costarring on Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, you could say that Sean Astin and Rob Paulsen view each other the way their characters do: as brothers who are also best friends… even if they sometimes squabble. Such is why it made perfect sense for Rob to enlist Sean for a very special episode of our Alpha series Talkin’ Toons: one in which the turtles channeled their brotherly love (and, yes, rivalry) to sub in for Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly in a classic scene from Step Brothers.

We didn’t think anything could ever top the original, but Rob filling in for Reilly’s Dale in the style of his Raphael from the 1987 series, and Astin taking over for Ferrell’s Brennan as Raphael from the 2012 series, was better than a samurai sword autographed by Randy Jackson.

If you want to check out this full episode of Talkin’ Toons, along with all past and future ones, you can only find them at our interactive online Alpha community. It’s just one of our many great shows there, and if you’re not already a member your first 30 days are free when you sign up.

Does that offer mean we just became best friends? Yup!

What other famous movie brothers should Sean Astin and Rob Paulsen sub in for? The Blues Brothers, or The Boondock Saints? Perhaps they can enlist their fellow turtles to reenact John Singleton’s Four Brothers. Be cool, not rude, dude, and share your best ideas with us in the comments below.

Featured Image: Nickelodeon/Columbia Pictures

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