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Scream at a Wall: Give Thanks for Heavy Music Edition

Scream at a Wall: Give Thanks for Heavy Music Edition

Wipe the gravy from your teeth and get in the pit: it’s time to give thanks for this week’s best hardcore, metal, and punk rock. We dug through the record crates to find the new tunes we think you need to spin and rage to. Looking for some new death metal to bring the family together? Got you covered. Need some grindcore to get your Thanksgiving off on the right foot? Say no more. Strap in, kiddies; it’s time to rock.



We are very thankful for Power Trip. Their furious riffage is exactly what we need to get through the holidays. Nightmare Logic doesn’t drop until 2017, but we have the new song “Firing Squad” to give us a taste of the trashy d-beat that is to come. Power Trip feel like they were born in a different era: they would have be filling arenas in the mid 1990s, no doubt. This stuff will get your blood pumping and head banging. Crank your speakers and carve some turkey to this bad boy; it’s the soundtrack of baked, seasoned meat. All hail Power Trip, the reason for the season.


The visceral aggression of Pissed Jeans is something we’re always in the mood for. Raw, caustic, and oddly catchy, these guys sound like Jesus Lizard meets Motorhead. We’ve loved this band for a long time–check out their masterpiece Honeys–and the anticipation for their new album is killing us. We have to wait until February 2017 to get our hands on the full album, but song “The Bar is Low” is holding us over in the meantime. Riffy, mean, and pounding, this song is everything we love about Pissed Jeans. Give it a listen below and then go preorder the album. It has wonderfully awkward cover art.


If you need some galloping black metal for your Turkey Day, we suggest you give Black Anvil a spin. These guys play nightmarish tunes that are fueled by blast beats and sinister growls. “May Her Wrath Be Just” is the perfect song to blast and bum out your extended family with. Your racist, bitter uncle’s commentary will be overshadowed by the gorgeous guitar tones and evil harmonies of Black Anvil at their best. This song has us pretty stoked for their new album, which drops in early 2017 (notice a theme here?), so we went ahead and preordered the hell outta it. It’s gonna be a good one, guys.


Philip Anselmo is a busy guy. It seems like he has a new music project come out every other month, and all of them are worth a listen. Cause in point: Superjoint, a groove metal band that plays to Anselmo’s fiercest vocal stylings. The band just released a video for “Caught Up in the Gears of Application,” a track off their recently released album of the same name. The song is  beast and the video is absolutely bizarre. It features the band dressed as hucksters who pass out flyers, ride carousels, and smash cellphones. It also has moments where Anselmo just stands there and screams into the camera. Weird stuff, for sure.


Man, The Drip are a killer band. They have a grindcore sound that reminds us of acts we love like Trap Them or Nails. Relentlessly crushing and intensely brutal, this band hits that sweet spot of unwavering anger that has been haunting our souls lately. Like with just about every band on here, their new album won’t be out until 2017, but we’ve had a chance to hear the whole thing and can tell you it is unbelievably awesome. As far as debut albums, The Haunting Fear of Inevitability is one of the best to come along in quite some time. Listen to the track “Painted Ram” below and bang your head to the ruthless grind of The Drip. This band is one to watch, for sure.


Finally, we have the beautiful sound of a full, new Iron Reagan song. We had a brief taste of this track last week, but now you can hear the whole thing and it’s a gem, folks. The world is going to hell and “Dying World” is the soundtrack to its demise. As you gather around the table with loved ones this year, give thanks for thrash metal. Bow your head to the majesty of Iron Reagan. In the face of an uncertain future, this band gives us the strength we need to set the world a blaze. Let’s start a fire, people. Let’s listen to Iron Reagan and watch it all burn.

(AV Club)


That’s it for us this week. Got some heavy tunes you’re into that we need to check out? Name them in comments below.

Images: Relapse Records

Gif: FOX/Bob’s Burgers

Benjamin Bailey writes for the Nerdist and can be found on Twitter talking about Godzilla, comic books, and hardcore music.

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