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Scenes From the Nerdist Ascension

As part of the promotion for The Nerdist: The Year in Review, BBC America put together this behind-the-scenes video talking to Chris, Mike Phirman, Wil Wheaton, and some of the folks in the studio audience about the changing status of the nerd in society. It’s all about how we all got ostracized and/or beaten up and/or ignored in the past, but how nerds now rule the world. Although I’m still waiting to assume power, myself, so I’m not sure about the ruling the world part. Maybe I just have to wait my turn.

In any event, it’s a good video, and it’s another reminder that — can we say this in unison by now? — The Nerdist: Year in Review will be airing Christmas Eve, 9/8c, on BBC America.

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  1. CXRengel says:

    HOLY CRAP! You turned the audience GREEN!