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GAME OF THRONES is Better When Samuel L. Jackson Explains It

It’s hard to put into succinct terms what, exactly, Game of Thrones is all about. And not just because six seasons of the show have already passed, but rather because it’s just so many things, combined! With approximately a billion characters, locations, scenarios, and seasons to get through (meteorologically speaking), it’s no short order to ask someone to summarize it. Which is exactly why HBO enlisted the likes of none other than Samuel L. Jackson to break it all down for you in this new video. It’s the perfect thing to help your friends understand the majesty (and insanity) of the Realm.

And yes, the commentary about the misdeeds of the Lannisters and several others is as colorful as you might hope. There’s even a Beyoncé/Lemonade/”Formation” reference that I DID NOT EVEN WRITE OR ASK HBO TO PUT IN THERE, further proving my point that it’s all connected. (Maybe Game of Thrones is actually the origin story of the Illuminati *GASP*.)

But why not—instead of reading all these words we’re writing—watch the video for yourself and get reacquainted with what’s happened in Westeros and Essos thus far, eh?

Our favorite part may be Jackson’s frustration with the Westerosi people’s inability to prepare for the forthcoming winter—even though they’ve been dithering on about it coming for five seasons now. “And still, ain’t nobody ready!” His love of the battle of “Hardhome” is pretty fantastic, though (and yes, his dragon riffing is pretty incredible, too).

Watch the whole thing and let us know what you think about Jackson’s recap of Game of Thrones in the comments below!

Images: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist and creator/co-host of Fangirling. (She’s also the resident Thrones obsessive.) Find her on Twitter if you’re into it.

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