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Same Chair, New Ass: Latest Promo for THE DAILY SHOW WITH TREVOR NOAH

Comedy Central knows not just any ass can fill Jon Stewart’s chair as host of The Daily Show, which is why their latest promo wants to assure you that new host Trevor Noah has just the derriere to do it.

The promo features a confident Noah striding out in a sharp suit to Kayne West’s “Power” before boldly stating, “Same Chair.” That is followed by a long, tight shot of Noah’s behind slowly and comfortably coming to rest in the host’s chair, with the proclamation, “New Ass.” Astute observers might also notice that the show seems to premiere the new logo near the video’s end.

The South African-born Noah first appeared on The Daily Show in 2014 as a contributor, but was named Jon Stewart’s replacement in March after following Stewart’s announcement he would be leaving the show. Here’s Noah’s first appearance from last December.

This promo isn’t the first one to center around Noah’s relationship with his new chair, but it is the first one to prominently feature his behind. (Slightly NSFW.)

Noah will debut as host September 28, and Comedy Central seems to be promoting the idea that although Stewart might be gone, the role of the show in the political discourse isn’t going to change.

As for Stewart, it was announced this week that he has already lined up his next gig, as he will host’s the WWE’s Summerslam on Sunday, August 23rd. Stewart is a big wrestling fan that has appeared on WWE programming before.

What do you expect from Trevor Noah as he settles into the big chair? What changes do you hope to see? What do you hope remains the same? Tell us in the comments section below.

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