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Rumor: Black Canary to Appear in JUSTICE LEAGUE

According to the latest rumor — thanks to the folks at Latino Review — it appears that Wonder Woman won’t be the only female hero in Zack Snyder’s upcoming Justice League films. According to their sources, longtime League member Black Canary will also be one of the members of the team, although it’s currently unclear if the character will show up first in Justice League Part One, or make her debut in Part Two. The two frontrunners for the role are said to be Abbey Lee (Mad Max: Fury Road) and Alona Tal (Supernatural, Burn Notice).

Even more interesting, the introduction of Black Canary is meant to set up a possible second DCU cinematic team in the form of the all-female Birds of Prey, of which the sonic-powered martial artist Canary is a key member. With rumors that Jena Malone is playing Barbara Gordon in Batman v Superman, another key member of the Birds of Prey, it certainly raises eyebrows.

Black Canary, whose real name is Dinah Lance, is a very important member of the League in the comics, as she was the second female member to join the team after Wonder Woman. In the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU continuity, she was even retconned as taking Wonder Woman’s place as a founder of the team. One can even make the argument that Canary is DC’s second most important female hero after Wonder Woman, one who isn’t a spin-off of a popular male hero like Supergirl and Batgirl.

If Black Canary is part of the cinematic Justice League line-up, this gives them a leg up on the Avengers’ initial roster, which was five white dudes and one woman. The movie JLA already has racial diversity, with Aquaman and Cyborg (and possibly Green Lantern) being played by non-white actors. If Canary joins, as well as Aquaman’s wife Mera, as has been previously rumored, this would go a long way towards making the team seem like less of “boy’s club” with a token woman allowed to tag along.

Of course, viewers already have a version of Black Canary running around, over in the TV side of the DC Cinematic Multiverse, as played by Katie Cassidy on Arrow. Warner Brothers has shown no reluctance at having multiple versions of their heroes in different media, so could two Black Canaries mean two Green Arrows as well? Only time will tell, but these days, anything is possible.

What do you think of Black Canary possibly joining the cinematic Justice League? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Latino Review

IMAGE: DC Comics

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