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JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK May Cast Ben Mendelsohn to Play Anton Arcane

Hot on the heels of speculation about who may portray John Constantine and his merry band of misfits in the upcoming Justice League Dark movie, we now potentially have someone for them to team up against. Heroic Hollywood has reported that Warner Bros. and producer Scott Rudin are rumored to be interested in casting Ben Mendelsohn–who is attached to the forthcoming Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One–to portray DC villain Anton Arcane for the film. However, Mendelsohn seems to be waiting to see who will sign on as director before he agrees.


[Image: DC Comics]

Originally introduced in Swamp Thing #2, Anton Arcane is considered to be Swamp Thing’s arch-nemesis. In his original appearances in the comics, Arcane was an old man who could use magic, and also conducted twisted immortality experiments in a castle he owned. Arcane died several times throughout the run of Swamp Thing and even got banished to Hell, but always seemed to find his way back to the mortal world.

The character was later revised for DC’s New 52 relaunches, and would instead act as the Avatar for a force known as the Black, which allowed him to have control over the death and decay of living matter. There is no telling which version of Arcane the film would attempt to use, but with characters like Constantine in the mix for a Justice League Dark film, one can suspect the film will stick with his original incarnation.

Who do you think should be cast in a Justice League Dark movie? Let us know in the comments below!

HT – Heroic Hollywood

Featured Image – Entertainment Weekly

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