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ROGUE ONE: A PIXAR STORY is the Dream Mash-Up of Disney Obsessives Everywhere

If you want to defeat an evil empire you need to be Brave; you must be willing to go to infinity and beyond, to face any Monsters, Inc-luding your own, since Forces from all directions will be pulling you Inside Out. Because when a giant, deadly spacecraft is hovering overhead, you’ll know this is no Toy Story, this is Rogue One: A Pixar Story.

At least that’s what is happening in this truly terrific mash-up that takes the characters from the world of Pixar and places them into the newest Star Wars film, using the second trailer for the upcoming prequel Rogue One. Here, the leading role of Jyn Erso is filled by the young, redheaded heroine of Brave, Merida, and instead of the Death Star she and her rag-tag crew must help take out Dr. Porkchop’s spaceship.

We first came across this clever fan-made trailer at LaughingSquid, and it is the work of the YouTube channel Darth Blender. While we love everything about this—like having The Incredibles villain Syndrome as the equivalent of Ben Mendelsohn’s Director Orson Krennic, two cape loving baddies, as well as making sure to get a lovable droid in there (Wall-E!)—it’s the use of the Evil Emperor Zurg from Toy Story 2 as the replacement for the final shot of Darth Vader that is especially inspired.

This is so good we’re sure some Disney marketing executive is already trying to figure out a way to turn it into some profitable line of toys and costumes. At least, we hope they are.

While they figure that out though let’s do some fantasy casting of our own. Which Pixar characters would be the best stand-ins for Star Wars characters? Help us out by giving your best answers in the comments below.

Images: Disney Pixar

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