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Fans are Freaking Out over RIVERDALE’s Shocking [SPOILER]

Normally saying “Riverdale fans are freaking out after the latest episode” is the pop culture equivalent of “dog bites man.” Sending viewers into a frenzy is pretty much what it always does, and that’s why it’s one of the craziest, most wild show’s on TV. But this week’s episode has really caused an uproar, and with good reason. A truly shocking – and we do mean shocking – death of a major character has the series’ devoted fan base losing their minds. On today’s Nerdist News we’re breaking down what happened and whether or not it’s permanent.

Join host Jessica Chobot (on a very spoiler-filled episode) as she looks at the shocking turn of events that led to the (apparent) death of one of Riverdale‘s most important denizens in this week’s installment, “Chapter 44: No Exit.” But while it certainly seemed like this vitally important character bit the big one, not everyone thinks the final scene was quite what it seemed. And even if it was, in a world where a dead Peter Parker showed up in a new trailer, what are the chances we the CW will be having its very own version of an Endgame-style reversal?

Whether or not that character really is dead, or is brought back to life in the future, there’s one thing we can all agree on: it might not be a big news story when dog bites man, but it’s a very big deal when a bear does. No wonder Riverdale fans are losing their minds.

But what do you think? Is this death permanent, or is everyone freaking out for no reason? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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