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Report: PUSHING DAISIES To Come Back As A Musical?

Among the worst of the fallout from the WGA writer’s strike back in 2008 was that it led to the cancellation of Bryan Fuller’s brilliant television series Pushing Daisies. Debuting to high ratings back in 2007, Pushing Daises was a quirky comedy starring Lee Pace, Anna Friel, and Kristen Chenowith about a pie-maker gifted with the mysterious ability to reanimate the dead by touching them. However, if something or someone was revived for more than exactly one minute, a similar “life value” nearby falls over dead, as a form of cosmic balance.  The show only aired nine episodes before the WGA went on strike. Almost a whole year later, the show came back; however, all but hardcore fans had forgotten the series, and audiences abandoned it. The series ended on a cliffhanger nearly five years ago, and I’m still not over it.

Speaking to E! News, series creator Bryan Fuller says that he’s been talking to Warner Brothers and director Barry Sonnenfeld about reviving the series as either a movie or a Broadway musical starring Kristin Chenoweth. “I would love to do a musical and make it all about Kristin Chenoweth and her character, Olive Snook; I think it would be incredible!” Although the idea of a Netflix revival was considered, Fuller says he prefers the idea of a movie “because you have higher impact and it also has an iconography.” Also, with his hands full with hit show Hannibal, he might not have time for another series. Whether it’s a movie or a musical (can’t we have both?) this is the news that patient Pushing Daisies fans have been wanting to hear for a long time now.


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  1. Lee Pace's Eyebrows says:

    FYI Lee Pace is amazing singer too 

  2. J.Johnny says:

    I am still in mourning for the series. It is rare nowdays to have a show with wonderful witty writing, amazing casting and *gasp* not a sleazy sex joke every other line.
    Not sure about a musical, it might rub salt in a still open wound. (Kristen IS amazing, no worries there:-)) And please keep in mind, not everyone can afford cable, Netflix, stage shows etc. I just wish they would do the right thing and resurrect the show.

  3. Melissa Anne says:

    OOOOO How I miss that show. Never anything as creative and storybookish. I own the first season, and watch them over…and over…and over again. They never lose their luster : )

  4. Villageknittiot says:

    Let’s not forget Ellen Green has the stage and movie versions of Little Shop of Horrors to her credit! I too highly doubt Kristin made demands that it focuses on her supporting character. I would love a netflix series!

  5. Laurie says:

    So many of the actors in the series were singers to begin with. I’d pay $$$$ to see them perform this on Broadway if they used the original TV cast.

  6. adriana says:

    I love Pushing Daisies, Please bring it back. The entire cast was great. Great if it’s a musical, but bad for us who don’t live in the New York area.

  7. Carol says:

    I loved that show.what idiot took it off.what to put a reality show on

  8. Guy says:

    Bring back the series!

  9. Princess Sugarbutt says:

    Henrik it was funny… and sorta true. They were meat pies, made from the victims.

  10. Ana Bastow says:

    Oh please let it be true. I LOVED THE SHOW and I still miss it.
    I prefer the movie so I can watch it every day until is out of the theaters. Heck if they do the premiere in LA I will camp out ala Tent City to watch the. But I rather have anything than just letting the show die like that.

  11. Yvonne says:

    It can’t be all about Olive – that would ruin the whole thing, and if it is a musical – then all the real fans don’t get to see it. 🙁

  12. Karin says:

    Bring it back as a series or leave it alone.

  13. Disappointed Fan says:

    The news this long patient fan has been waiting for is the return of the series! I can’t afford to go to the theatre to watch a musical where I live (and it wouldn’t have the same stars in it anyway as they usually don’t travel overseas) and a movie is just too short – quite honestly, if those are the only choices – let it lie where it is

  14. Chris says:

    Rah! This is great news. We’d fly to NY for this one (or hope it comes to Minnesota!)

  15. Bri says:

    I think it would be amazing as a musical. But what ever happened to the comics? Weren’t they, like, written and drawn and finished?

  16. Dan says:

    Please re-read.
    Chenowith didn’t say she wanted it to be all about her. The creator of the TV series did!
    I’m guessing the reason for wanting to do that is because Chenowith is an established musical star.

  17. William Stokes says:

    If Pushing Daisies is revived for more than one episode, does another sitcom in proximity have to die?

  18. Matt says:

    A musical about multiple deaths in a pie shop…can’t wait!
    If Sweeney Todd and Little Shop of Horrors have anything to say about it, musicals about multiple deaths in a meat pie shop/barber shop and a flower shop respectively, it will crest a whole new fan base and people will love it.

  19. Heather says:

    Actually Lee Pace has quite a bit of stage experience as well. It wouldn’t surprise me if he decided to be apart of the musical as well unless there were time constraints due to his increasing presence on the screen. He is still known to act in plays.

  20. John says:

    A musical is a great idea but would only be seen by “the 1%”. UNLESS – – – you filmed the Broadway show and put it out as a Blu-ray disk so everyone can see it. Look at “Memphis”, “Into The Woods” and several others.

  21. Lisa says:

    I’ve been hoping for some sort of continuation, but why would it be about Olive? That’s dumb.

  22. Le'Ann Allen says:

    I LOVED Pushing Daisies, and I was quite sad when it was cancelled. A musical would be nice, but because I live so far away from a theater I wouldn’t get to see it. But a movie I could get to. Living in the sticks sucks big, hairy troll toes.

  23. marianne says:

    I loved the show and don’t care if it is a musical or a movie, I want to see it done. Wish it could come back to TV but all the people are probably doing something else.

  24. Lyndsie says:

    I thought your joke was cue Henrik 🙂

  25. Liam says:

    I would looooooove for this to happen. I would haaaaaaaaaaate for this to be All About Olive.

  26. Tornado says:

    i highly doubt chenoweth placed any demands…the fact of the matter there is that she is a HIGHLY gifted singer and, if i’m not mistaken, has broadway experience. so, it stands to reason that she would be the focal point of the musical. there’s no telling if the other actors and actresses would even sign on for a musical so there’s that too. all of that said, i am PEEMYPANTS excited about this and really REALLY hope a movie or musical does come to pass. seriously.

  27. Debbie says:

    Would love to see movie or musical! But on the main characters – NOT Olive!!!

  28. Terry says:

    I have both seasons on DVD and would love to see more!!!!!!!

  29. Laurie Stone says:

    Netflix series, please, it was terrific, loved it.

  30. Sharon says:

    I loved this show and I still watch it in reruns when it’s on. I wish they would do something to wrap it up.

  31. Steve says:

    It figures that Chenoweth would want it all about her. The least important character on the entire show, IMO. Great show, I miss it…

  32. Matt says:

    If Pushing Daisies is revived for more than a minute, it will be truly wonderful news! This was one of the best written shows of its era (and for another short-lived but excellent show, look up “Wonderfalls”), and the prospect of a movie or musical is magic!

  33. Henrik says:

    Yeah, the barber shop was above the pie shop. That was kind of my joke there. (I’ll get my coat…)

  34. Niki says:

    Someone also made a musical about multiple deaths in a pie shop and it was insanely awesome.

  35. Josh says:

    I would LOVE for a movie, musical would be cool, but I don’t want it focused on Chenoweth’s character nor would many people be able to go see it (unless they toured).

    A Netflix series would also be cool.

  36. Elise says:

    There’s also a musical about multiple deaths in a barber shop… So really, I don’t see the plot being a problem.

  37. Marian says:

    Oh I so would love either a movie or musical or both. I miss this show so much.

  38. Mia says:

    Someone made a musical about multiple deaths that takes place in a flower shop, and it was HUGE. You never know!!

  39. Kimberly says:

    This was THE BEST show! We loved it!

  40. Lindsay says:

    This makes me so happy!

  41. DB says:

    push th’ little daisies and make em come up

  42. Henrik says:

    A musical about multiple deaths that takes place in a pie shop? I don’t see a lot of money there.

  43. Bentley says:

    It was also a raw deal for Friel who was really getting her first wide exposure to an American audience and lost that exposure with the interruption.