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Reenact the Battle of Hoth on This Epic Gaming Table

Think you can get past the first marker? Then you might be prepared to play upon the fields of Hoth.

The online resource for all things wargaming, Beasts of War, regularly runs game designer challenges, and they came up with a rather specific contest for the U.K. gaming convention Salute 2015. They wanted to have a game that sort of functioned like an arcade machine and allowed players to join in quickly and easily even if they only had mere minutes to play. Those stipulations meant the rules had to be simple and the gameplay had to be direct. Grant Ennis stepped up to the plate with his Assault on Hoth gaming table. Yes, it is a thing of beauty.

The table features all the familiar sights from The Empire Strikes Back and then some. You’ve got AT-AT walkers, the Millennium Falcon, Echo Base, and plenty of soldiers. They improvised in some areas–like the trenches–to aid smoother gameplay. Though the results look impressive, most impressive, the gaming table’s made from basic materials. The snowy surface is carved Styrofoam lit by some blue LEDs and Star Wars miniatures, toys, and terrain from other gaming systems fill in the board.

This table make anyone else feel like they could take on the whole Empire? Actually, I don’t even need to use the table for gaming. It looks just fine as a frosty display; all it needs is a herd of tauntauns. Scroll down to the below gallery to get a closer look at the custom gaming table.

HT: Make and Boing Boing


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