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Reddit Sleuths Confirm Sansa’s Letter Recipient on GAME OF THRONES

Hey, look! It’s a Game of Thrones post! Which means there are spoilers if you haven’t seen “The Broken Man” (a.k.a. episode seven of the series’ sixth season). You’ve been warned!

Sansa, Sansa, Sansa: you were doing so well, lady? What happened? Why did you do what you did on last Sunday’s Game of Thrones? We’re talking about that letter you sent, natch—because it was a bold play that may just ruin everything for House Stark (or at least the last remaining ginger in their family), if the recipient is who we believe it to be. Well, wonder about who that is no more, folks, because the super sleuths over at Reddit have not only figured out what Sansa’s letter says, but to whom it was intended based on the contents of it. And, yeah: if you guessed Littlefinger (like we did in our recap), you’re right. Oy!

Doing the old lords’ work, a bunch of intrepid viewers and Redditors CreepyPancakes and Ichtragebrille used their—clearly—very good eyes to deduce the contents of the letter. And, well? It’s totally a note to Littlefinger. Check the image:


How they were able to figure out how to read that is a maester chain-earning skill if ever we’ve seen one. After flipping it around and blowing it up, CreepyPancakes was able to deduce most of the words, with Ichtragebrille adding on to the end:


And here’s the text in full:

“[…] to protect me. Now you have a chance to fulfill your promise. […] Knights of the Vale are under your command. Ride north for Winterfell. Lend us your aid and I shall see to it that you are well rewarded.”

So there it is, folks: Sansa just bungled all of this—unless Littlefinger somehow decides to not use this information to play against the middle and ensure himself a spot on whichever side wins, which: LOL, C’MON. PLEASE. Obviously he’s going to use this information to betray Sansa: there’s a reason he said it was time to join the fray given what’s implied by said House Frey wordplay.

Needless to say, we’re worried for Sansa and Jon and the battle for the North. Hurry up, Sunday!

Are you looking forward to seeing how this plays out? Are you mad at Sansa, too? Let us know in the comments below.

Speaking of Thrones ladies, how’s about this theory that Dany’s about to go real dark?

Images: HBO/Imgur

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor and Chief Khaleesi here at Nerdist (that is…until Khaleesi eventually/maybe turns evil). She’s also the creator and co-host of Fangirling! Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes).

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