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What Last Night’s Character Return Means for GAME OF THRONES!

What’s that sound echoing in the distance like a beautiful siren call? Could it be? The long-awaited, the often-dreamed-about, the former pipe-dream for the ages, the CleganeBowl?? It looks like the brotherly battle of the century is hot on our heels! And if that’s the case we’re pretty sure it means we’re about to see a long-awaited fan-favorite book character finally come to life! As per usual just about every time we talk Game of Thrones, we’ve got a one-way ticket to ~*Spoiler Country*~ so buckle up!

Before we dive into our big bag o’spoilers, let’s go ahead and give two bags of coins to one of the most fun new characters in Game of Thrones history, the all-powerful ten-year-old Lyanna Mormont aka lady of Bear Island aka my new Queen. And oh yeah, speaking of Queens, with everything that went down in this episode, are we about to see the debut of the one and only Lady Motherfucking Stoneheart?? You may know her as the reanimated corpse of Lady Catelyn Stark, brought back to life by Lord Beric Dondarrian of the Brotherhood without Banners. Seen in the books as a delightfully terrifying spectre of vengance, complete with still-slit-throat and zombie skin, Stoneheart and the Brotherhood set about hanging just about anyone that has wronged her and her family. Which covers just about every Lannister known to man…

We just might end up seeing her sooner rather than later! Maybe even as soon as next week? If we remember correctly, the very violent massacre of the only shiny, happy people in the seven kingdoms landed on the hanged corpse of the too-short-lived Ian McShane’s Brother Ray. And what was Zombie Catelyn’s favorite type of murder again? Oh yes, hanging. And let’s not forget about the return of everyone’s favorite (still alive!!) now-gentle giant, the Hound, who we saw taking up peace-talk with Brother Ray & Co. before all of good ol’ Sandor Clegane’s friends ended up dead. Armed with an axe and a vendetta, we’re assuming the Hound might end up hunting down the group that killed his friends, which juuuust might end up bringing him back to King’s Landing for the hate-fueled brotherly battle of the century we’ve all been waiting for:

The CleganeBowl! FINALLY! But what do you guys think? Do you think Stoneheart’s finally coming our way? Do you think we’ll have to wait until the finale or we’ll get a glimpse of her gaping neck-wound sooner than later? Who are you rooting for in the CleganeBowl? Let’s discuss!

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