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RED DEAD REDEMPTION II’s Latest Trailer Reveals the New Outlaw

Seven years ago, Rockstar Games sent gamers into a Western open world with Red Dead Redemption, the saga of former outlaw John Marston. It’s been a long wait for the sequel, but Red Dead Redemption II is getting closer every day. Now, Rockstar has unleashed the second trailer for the game, which introduces its new star: Arthur Morgan. We’re not sure if Marston will appear in the sequel, but the Van der Linde gang is going to ride again!

So far, the only details we know about the game’s story is that it will follow “Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang as they rob, fight and steal their way across the vast and rugged heart of America in order to survive.” If the new trailer is any indication, Morgan is an even bigger rogue than Marston, and even more unrepentant about who and what he is.

The updated visuals of the new trailer definitely have us eager to explore this new Western landscape, as well as revisit any returning locations from the previous game. Intriguingly, the trailer also features Morgan hunting using a bow and arrow, which was an option that was missing from Red Dead Redemption. That game was so much fun to explore and so beautiful to look at, and we expect the same will be true from this game as well.

Red Dead Redemption II will be released in Spring 2018 for Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

What do you think about the new trailer for this game? Saddle up and share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Images: Rockstar Games

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