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Quentin Tarantino’s 1994 KILL BILL Pitch to Robert Rodriguez

Nine years before it was a two-part movie, Kill Bill was already a screenplay. And on a day like no other, he read it to Robert Rodriguez.

The footage has been unearthed as part of The Director’s Chair on the El Rey network, and it shows you how Tarantino became the success he did. Listening to the beginning scene, don’t you want to hear more? Wouldn’t you keep watching if he just read the whole screenplay in one sitting? It now all makes sense that his role as the narrator of The Hateful Eight is his best acting, because telling the whole story is clearly what he loves to do. It’d be fun to even let him read other peoples’ scripts–can you imagine, for example, how he’d read the Architect scene from The Matrix Reloaded? Why, you might say a fella could listen to that from dusk ’till dawn (haha).

I confess, I like the version of the opening scene he describes here even better than the one he ended up going with, so that probably helps. Props to Rodriguez, too, for being a great audience and reacting big to everything.

What would you like to have Quentin Tarantino read to you? John Wick? A bedtime story? The phone book? Given his shared love of Sin City with Rodriguez, I think we should pay him to read All-Star Batman and Robin, just to hear him say, emphatically, “I’m the g****** Batman!” over and over. You know it’d rule.

Share some other ideas with us below.


Kill Bill via Weinstein Company

The Directors Chair via YouTube/David Vaipan/ElRey

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