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Prepare for THE WALKING DEAD’s Return with an Illustrated Guide to Its Many Deaths

Warning: The following article contains spoilers. Lots of spoilers. Like, enough spoilers to ruin the life of anyone who hasn’t watched every single episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead that has aired so far, and read every issue of the Walking Dead comic book through issue #66. Still with us? Okay, then let’s go…

Heads up, Walker Stalkers! This Sunday, February 8th, our favorite show is back for the second half of its fifth season. After an agonizing two-month absence from our lives, and perhaps the most tragic death it’s yet depicted — when Beth was shot in the head by the insane, tyrannical Dawn, leaving her sister and friends gutted and heartbroken. Can they again pick up the pieces of their lives and start over? We’ll know soon enough. But in the meantime… If, like me, you’ve been a fan of The Walking Dead since the comic’s first issue debuted back in 2003, then you’ve probably found that it’s starting to get a little hard to keep track of the many differences, both big and little, between the show and Robert Kirkman’s still ongoing Image series. Fortunately, the good folks at The Daily Dot have created a convenient guide — or infographic, if you will — clearly illustrating those differences. Check it out…

The Walking Dead

Yup, ever since Shane survived long enough to make it to Hershel’s Farm, things just haven’t been the same for our brave band of survivors on screen. But of course the overarching storylines have followed the comic’s lead — farm, prison, church, etc. And most of the changes that have been made from Kirkman’s original story have clearly contributed to the show’s success.

But what do you folks, think? Is there a particular change from page to screen that you’re unsatisfied with? Or perhaps one you think was an improvement? Let us know below!

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  1. Mary says:

    Not to mention them leaving out Michonne’s rape by the Governor, and then Michonne torturing the Governor afterwards. That was all too sick for tv. I’m glad they left it out. 

  2. GillyTheKid says:

    I don’t think they would have let a still pregnant looking Lori get shot while holding the baby and have the baby die too..too gruesome for TV but the “splash” page where it happened in the book was epic! And Lilly killing the Gov and Lori and Baby made sense and spawned the two governor  to further explain her story

  3. rpxx says:

    Imagine the fan revolt if Lilly just showed up randomly and killed Lori, Judith, AND the Governor on the TV show.