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The POKÉMON Theme Gets a Metal Cover with the Original Singer!

Over two decades ago, the Pokémon anime series invaded America and won over new fans with its adorable pocket monsters and an incredibly catchy theme song that we’re still singing to this day. Earlier this month, the theme’s original singer Jason Paige teamed up with Jonathan Young for a new metal cover of the generation-defining song. Along the way, Jason put on a Pikachu onesie while Jonathan did his best Ash Ketchum.

Because this cover is part of Jonathan’s new Pokémon metal album, Pokéjon, he took the lead in the early part of this music video. But after a bit, Jason joined in on the fun, singing together with Jonathan in pristine ’80s power ballad-fashion. In short, this may be the most epic Pokémon theme cover that we’ve ever heard, and it means a lot to us that Jason was able to take part in it.

Jason has never really left Pokémon behind, and he’s even covered his own theme prior to this video. That’s one of the highlights of his YouTube channel, and his vocal performance still makes us want to be the very best, like no one ever was! For more about Jason’s music, check out his site.

As for Jonathan, his new Pokéjon album is available now on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Spotify, and on his official site.

What did you think about Jonathan and Jason’s new metal cover of the Pokémon theme? We choose you to leave a comment below!

Image: Jonathan Young

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