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POKÉMON Fighting Game POKKÉN TOURNAMENT is Coming to Wii U!

Gotta play ’em all! Good news Pokémon fans—Pokkén Tournament, the Pokémon fighter from Bandai Namco and The Pokémon Company will be arriving on Wii U in the spring of 2016. The game released in Japanese arcades last month to high praise, as well as massive jealousy from the rest of the world. Well, luckily that jealousy will only last for another six months or so.

Pokkén Tournament, which is aptly named Pokémon Tekken in Germany, takes the Pokémon property and mixes it into a fighting game based on Bandai Namco’s highly successful Tekken series. It is best to explain Pokkén Tournament as a mash-up in the same style as Injustice: Gods Among Us or X-Men: Children Of The Atom. In other words, it is a company known for their own original fighter franchise making a fighting game for someone else’s intellectual property. Of course, a Pokémon fighter is something that fans have been asking for since as far back as anyone can remember, so Pokkén Tournament has been a long time coming.

J.C. Smith, director of Consumer Marketing at The Pokémon Company International, commented on fan excitement in their official press release today. “Pokkén Tournament combines the best elements of a traditional fighting game with an authentic Pokémon experience,” Smith said. “Fans will be thrilled to see their favorite Pokémon battle in a whole new way.”

So, now everyone gets to be overly excited about playing as Charizard, Machamp, Lucario, Pikachu Libre, and who knows how many others as they battle to prove they are the ultimate Pokémon fighter. Fighting game competitions are going to get quite interesting come next spring. Can you say EVO 2016?

Let us know how excited you are about Pokkén Tournament in the comments below, on Facebook, Twitter, or just by screaming at your monitor like I did.

Curious how Pokéballs actually work? Our resident mad scientist Kyle Hill explains on Because Science:

Image Credit: Bandai Namco

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