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Pickstarter: Our Favorite Crowdfunded Projects 11/25

This week in Pickstarter, our favorite crowdfunded projects include a new iteration of the boy who wouldn’t grow up, a novel t-shirt idea (literally), and comic strips even the most artistically challenged can still make.

Pick #1 – Peter Pan

Most of us are familiar with Peter Pan in some form or another from classic adaptations and interpretations. One place we haven’t seen the elusive young leader of the Lost Boys is in comics. Renae De Liz wants to correct that by making a series of graphic novels that closely adapt the original novel Peter and Wendy as well as the prequel The Little White Bird that explores the backstory of Hook and Pan’s relationship. One look at the artwork and you’ll see a Neverland that is completely new, but totally familiar.


Pick #2 – Litographs

There are now more options than ever before for reading on the go — Kindles, books on tape, you can even bring books with you wherever you go in book form (shock!). But what about our clothing? Is that a missed opportunity for a catching up on classic literature? The folks behind Litographs certainly think so. Danny Fein has begun printing entire books on shirts and using the words as his materials for art. Check out these amazing shirts that feature Alice in Wonderland, The Great Gatsby, and The Origin of the Species. Pardon us, pretty lady, we were just catching up on our reading….


Pick #3 – Magnet Comic

Some of us are not naturally talented artists, so getting to make our own comic strips can often result in stick figures and broken dreams. The Magnet Comic will replace our amateurish doodles with magnetized characters to place on a white board comic backdrop. You’ll be able to fill in the text and dialogue of your tale with dry erase markers. For those of you that do have an ounce of artistic ability, there’s a reward package that includes blank character magnets to include your own creations in the fun.

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  1. Collins says:

    There is actually a very good comic out right now called Peter Panzerfaust. That is peter pan set in ww2 being put out by image