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Pickstarter: More “Back to the Future” Documentary Action

Here’s a Kickstarter worth noting for fans of Back to the Future: a documentary, Back in Time, about the cultural impact of the movie, told from the viewpoint of the DeLorean. Wait, didn’t we just feature a Back to the Future documentary crowdfunding effort? Yes, we did, but this is another one, and it, too, is looking for your support to bring it to completion. And it’s already set for a premiere at the 30th anniversary We’re Going Back celebration in Los Angeles in October 2015. Adam F. Goldberg — he’s been on the Nerdist Writers Panel and he has the new ABC sitcom The Goldbergs coming this Fall — is co-Executive Producer, and Jason Aron is the director. Here’s Jason’s rundown of what this one’s about:

The first time I ever encountered a DeLorean in person I was shocked and amazed at the attention it drew. As a filmmaker, and a lover of the trilogy, that fateful event compelled me to examine what precisely the cultural impact of Back to the Future has truly been across the decades since it was released. I knew right then what the focus of any true documentary about the series would need to be: the Time Machine itself. That beautiful DeLorean.

With the 30th anniversary of the original film’s release creeping steadily nearer, I knew that it was the right moment for this project. 30 is a big, magical number in the trilogy. 2015 is the year Marty, Jennifer, and Doc Brown travel to in Part II. If ever there were a moment to hit the gas and make the jump, it was now.

So I got the best people I could find who were also passionate about making this a reality. I found people inside the fanatic BTTF community and found that the more excited they got, the more I knew how right this project was. The more myself and the rest of the crew became, the more wound up the community folks ended up.

We’re generating just about 1 gigawatt of electricity right now between the crew and the BTTF community folks we’ve managed to wrangle into working with us on this project. All we need is some passionate fans of the trilogy to help us get that last 0.21 gigawatts of power.

I’m pretty sure you’re up to it.

In return for that support, we’ve got an amazing documentary planned out (and extra ideas aplenty for when we blow past our goal at 88 miles per hour) which includes interviews with some really prominent people in Back to the Future circles. From pillars of the fan community to cast and crew of the films. We’ve even got eyes on an original Time Machine. (Yes, the only privately-owned which happened to have been DeLorean featured in our trailer. It’s the star of the film!)

So, we have two. Take a look at the video above to get an idea of how this one’s going to look, and if you like it (and there’s no reason you can’t support both movies if you like what you’re seeing from them), you can click here for more information and to pledge, for which you have until August 11th at 12:52 pm ET. If you miss the deadline, you’ll need a functioning flux capacitor to go… wait for it… back in… no, can’t bring myself to do it. Just pledge on time.


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  1. Mccrackelz says:

    Seriously, how great was it when fox made that little cameo in the Tell Tale game? He did not have to do that.