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Phoebe Robinson Dishes on “Opening for GAME OF THRONES,” Cersei, and Meeting Robb Stark

If Game of Thrones has made any sort of statement in the last two seasons, it’s that the women now have all the power. And with great power, comes great responsibility. (Wait, wrong fantasy series. Oh well.) So we ran full-tilt with the idea over on Fangirling, taking it upon ourselves to kick off the year with the Khaleesi Korner, where queens of all kinds come together to gab about our favorite obsession. We’re sure Sheryl Sandberg would be delighted by our ability to lean in.

Thankfully, the utterly hilarious and recent Thrones convert Phoebe Robinson (of 2 Dope Queens fame!) was game to be our inaugural queen. Robinson joined us to dish on what brought her into the show, the journey she went on, and how Richard Madden (a.k.a. Robb Stark) dealt with her telling him she knew nothing about the show except that a Red Wedding happened and some people whose names she didn’t know died. (LOL, right?) We also broke down the fascinating journeys of Cersei and Sansa before Phoebe really put this particular fangirl in her place about her favorite controversial ship.

Needless to say, spoilers are coming!

If you liked that, then you’ll probably really love Phoebe and her co-host Jessica Williams’ four hour-long 2 Dope Queens specials airing on HBO starting this Friday, February 2 at 11:30pm.

Like what you saw there? Interested in more discussions with, by, and about women, where everyone—yes everyone (and yes, even you!)—is invited to nerd out about science and culture, talk about what matters, learn new things, nerd out over history, meet awesome ladies, and feel all your myriad feelings from a decidedly different point of view? Well let me go out on a limb and say that Fangirling is for you! And this season, we’ve got a heaping helping of everything you could want, every Wednesday on Alpha.

Don’t have an Alpha subscription? Don’t worry, use the promo code “fangirling” to get 2 FREE MONTHS (*whispers* and that amount of free? Has never been done before! Girl power, amirite?)!

Besides, you’re not going to want to miss our fabulous guests, like some of the women of Star Trek: Discovery, Blue Planet II producer Orla Doherty, or our regular segments like “Worst Advice,” “Mansplain It to Me,” and “Real Fake Spoilers”!

So, really, you have no excuse. And why would you want to miss this? Tune in with the code (fangirling) for two free months and get yourself in on the guilt-free fangirlsplosion with the hashtag #FangirlingIsBack. Who says being smart and having a lot of feelings are mutually exclusive?

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor, creator/host of Fangirling, and resident Khaleesi of House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter!

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