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PAX SOUTH In San Antonio Announced For January 2015

Gamers can begin to prepare themselves for some southern hospitality, because the folks at Penny Arcade are taking their newest iteration of PAX down to San Antonio. The convention will take place sometime in January of 2015, and rumors across the PAX East show floor are indicating that it will fall on the same weekend that CES ends.

The talk began after a picture was posted to the PAX Twitter account, showing four clocks on a wall, three of which had different PAX logos next to them. The clock without the logo was set an hour behind the PAX East clock, so many were speculating the show would be moving to Austin or Chicago. Now the grand total of PAX conventions has risen to 4: Prime in Seattle, Australia in Melbourne, East in Boston, and now South in San Antonio.

So what do you guys think? Are you satisfied with PAX heading down to San Antonio? Or were you one of the many folks (like myself) who were hoping for PAX to make its way to the midwest? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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  1. mike says:

    hi i never went to pax is it free or do  i just have to buy the plane ticket

  2. Jemima Hackett says:

    Its great to hear that there will be a PAX in texas!! however for me.. its really hard as I live in the UK so was unable to go to PAX east however due to this news I was excited however I don’t think that I will be able to get a ticket as well as sorting out dates to be off of work to come. I wish we had a big convention like PAX in the UK.

  3. Joe says:

    This is some of the best news yet. My kids (4) of them and I go to San Japan and boy did thier ears pop up when they heard the anoucment on the radio. So now we are looking for any info so we can be a part of it.

  4. cheesymetal says:

    This is awesome. I live in San Antonio. More and more cons are coming to south Texas which makes it easier to attend all of them.

  5. Joseph says:

    I think it’s great! San Antonio is starting to become a huge market. The city is currently working on becoming a Google Fiber city, Wizard’s annual convention is moving from Austin to San Antonio this year, we have another large con (Alamo City Comic Con) and now PAX?

  6. Carlos says:

    Awesome news! We get almost no gaming live although we have a huge gaming community in Texas.

  7. Aeryn says:

    I think this is awesome news! I live in Houston so it works out great and now I can afford to go to 2 cons a year. It gets quite expensive for a family of 3 to go to cons. Now we can go to Nerdtacular and PaxSouth. Woot!