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Paul Feig Reveals New GHOSTBUSTERS Proton Pack

Well, it just seems to be a Ghostbusters kind of week, kids, as this is now the second reveal in as many days coming from director Paul Feig, on set in Boston filming the new reboot. We got a look at the uniforms yesterday, confirming that the film will be keeping in spirit with the costume choices of the original films, but today Feig has given the world what they have been waiting for. Yes, the famed proton pack is back and ready for some zap and trap action. Feig sent out the following picture on his Twitter account, in similar fashion to the costume reveal, with the hashtag #whatyougonnashoot. Check out a larger image in the gallery section below.

Familiar yet different seems to be the rule over on Feig’s set. The new proton pack differs from the originals in many aspects, including size and shape, while still keeping to a rather similar style to what we have seen. The new pack seems lighter and more compact while still maintaining the self-made prototype tone of these unlicensed nuclear accelerators. The wand looks to haveits same basic construction while losing a bit of the polished and professional look from the original film. Let’s take a look at the packs from the original two films for comparison.

GB1 pack


As you can see, similar but different. The new pack has done away with a lot of the exposed wiring, and black paint job for a more unfinished metal look instead. So it seems the new Ghostbusters are a lot better at hiding wiring inside the chasis, but not so much at spray painting. Now all that is left is getting to see the new costumes and the new packs in action on our four leading ladies. Will there be as many penis jokes when they use them as there were in the original?

Get em hard

Only time will tell.

What do you think of the new packs paired with the new costumes? Let us know in the comments below!


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