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Own the Actual Baratheon Crown from GAME OF THRONES and Other Iconic Hollywood Goodies

Charlie Chaplin’s tramp cane. Robert Baratheon’s crown. Gandalf’s wizard staff. Marilyn Monroe’s dress. Mork’s space costume. All of these things and more — seriously, so much more, we’re only scratching the surface here — will be up for sale in a Hollywood mega-auction that is guaranteed to make you swoon, collectors and memorabilia enthusiasts. All you have to do is leaf through a catalog, grab the closest million that’s handy, and wait for October 17th to get your gain on.

Profiles in History, experts when it comes to artifacts and artistry from television, Broadway, and movie days gone by, are selling a veritable smorgasbord of goodies in the 65th iteration of their Hollywood Auction. And this haul — more than most — has a serious amount of impressive stuff available for your purchasing pleasure. But you’ve got to have beaucoup bucks to take this train: because buying legendary and iconic props can get expensive, y’all.

That crown we mentioned before? Gonna cost you a cool $15,000 the estimates say. And relatively speaking, that’s on the lower end of things. One of several wizard staffs Gandalf used on screen in The Lord of the Rings trilogy is expected to go for $25,000, while the jacket Leonardo “I’ll Never Let Go” DiCaprio wore to declare his kingship to the world during the filming of Titanic is slated to pull in between $50,000 and $70,000. Tons of stuff from classics like Godzilla, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and My Fair Lady will are available. And we’re not kidding on the sheer size of the auction, either: the catalog itself is 630 pages.

So — who wants to buy us that crown, eh? Submit all offers to the comments section below.

[HT: The Hollywood Reporter]

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  1. Matt says:

    Screw the crown, I want Indy’s whip.