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Our 5 Favorite Comic Convention Exclusives of 2014

Convention exclusives can be shameless nerd bait or they can be a treasure hunter’s dream. But regardless, you’ll find us lining up dutifully for the best of them every year when convention season rolls around. Here are the five we coveted most in 2014.

Rocket Raccoon Mini Bust

Rocket 2

The biggest breakout star of Guardians of the Galaxy was also the coolest mini-bust of 2014. It’s not easy doing justice to fur in polyresin form, but Gentle Giant worked their usual magic to deliver a limited edition Rocket Raccoon, looking positively badass with his teeth bared and gun loaded. Ain’t no thing like him ‘cept him!

Sherlock “High Functioning Sociopath” T-shirt


True confession time — I like TV’s Sherlock, but I’m not a massive fan. My wife, however, just can’t get enough of Benedict Cumberbatch as the sexy sleuth. She tells me that the best piece of Sherlock merchandising yet was this simple tee that BCC America offered as a Comic-Con exclusive (unveiled by MTV). I like it because its words ring true for nerds everywhere, no matter their choice of fandom.

Alien Egg Chamber Action Playset


The most insane con exclusive this year was Super7 and Funko’s Alien Egg Chamber Playset, if only for the photo on this pre-order item’s packaging — of two little tykes scaring themselves silly as their John Hurt action figure makes his way into a cavern of Xenomorph fetuses. Adorable.

Star Wars Jabba the Hutt & Salacious Crumb Figure


The regular six-inch Jabba Hasbro offered this year as part of its Black Series of action figures was pretty threadbare. Sadly, no accessories were offered with the very nicely detailed sluglike crime lord. Their Comic-Con exclusive, however, came with Salacious Crumb as well as Jabba’s pipe and bowl, making it the best Star Wars figure exclusive since the company’s six-inch Boba Fett and Carbonite Han Solo in Han Solo.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Comic-Con Poster


Marvel gave away a lot of great posters at Comic-Con 2014, including those for Ant-Man, Agent Carter and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the company’s limited edition Guardians of the Galaxy print. But the coolest were the eight Avengers: Age of Ultron posters, each focusing on a different member of the team. They combined to form one massive battle scene, whetting our appetite for the upcoming sequel in a way no still photography ever could. Ah, if only today’s one-sheet posters were this exciting.

Your turn now — what were your favorite convention exclusives from this year? Let us know below!

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

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Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



  1. Chantel says:

    I love my Sherlock T-shirt

  2. Joe says:

    Surely you mean “BBC America”, not BCC…