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On Making “Pan’s Labyrinth” Into A Stage Musical

Pan’s Labyrinth, the stage musical.

I’ll let you roll that around in your head for a few minutes.

And now, I’ll throw in some more to consider: Paul Williams — yes, THE Paul Williams — is writing the lyrics, with Oscar-winning composer Gustavo Santaolalla writing the music. del Toro is writing — has written, according to the scoop over at — the book with Jeremy Ungar. They say del Toro has been working on this for four years, and, well, think about it. It has all the fantasy elements, it’s already a sort of dark fairy tale, and the man himself wrote the book himself, so… why not?

Maybe because not everything NEEDS to be set to music. And because not everyone is a musical fan. Or maybe you think the original didn’t need to be redone in any medium. And the idea of singing, dancing Fascists kinda offsets singing, dancing mystical creatures. Or does it? Is this going to be The Lion King or Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark? What other classic genre movies would make good musicals? Comments, please.

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  1. Sara says:

    Agreed that not all movies need to become musicals, but I think del Toro just might pull it off. If they can get the budget (which has been a problem in other del Toro projects–and YES I’m still bitter about Mountains of Madness), and if Williams and Santaolalla can conjure up the right combination of twisted sweetness and darkness that the movie evokes, it miiiiiiiiight just work.

  2. calabresej24 says:

    Back to the Future.

  3. Me says:

    Clerks 3!

  4. Bee says:

    I’m also of the firm stance that not everything needs to be turned into a musical. First, “Big”, then, “Spiderman”, … what’s next, “Xmen the musical”? Yep, I can totally see Wolverine and Jean Grey singing a dramatic duet…

  5. Brian Walton says:

    I would give my first born to see Walter Hill’s Streets of Fire adapted into a Broadway show. A Meatloaf Jukebox Musical wouldn’t be bad either.

  6. KC says:

    I know that there have been attempts to bring The Princess Bride to the stage, but there has been a lot of drama surrounding it that has kept it on hold. I stand by the idea that it would be a great musical.