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Official FALLOUT 4 Mod Tools Launch on PC, Coming Soon to PS4/Xbox One

War…war never changes, but Fallout games most definitely do. Thanks to a robust community of modders, it is possible to have a wildly different Fallout experience practically every time you venture back out into the Wasteland. Now, Fallout 4 is joining its predecessors as a profoundly customizable experience with an open beta for the Fallout 4 Creation Kit, an open-source toolkit that puts the powers of creation in the players hands.

“The life of Fallout 4 in your hands is going to take us all places none of us anticipated,” said Fallout 4 director Todd Howard in the video above. What is particularly fascinating about the Creation Kit, according to the video, is that it is the same toolkit used by the developers to create the game. Perhaps the best aspect of Fallout 4’s new mod functionality is that you no longer have to leave the game in order to manage and install them. Instead, you simply access the Mods option on the main menu screen and you can browse and install them at your leisure from there. 

The possibilities are endless, limited only by user creativity, as evidenced by things like the Horse Armor seen in the video and the plethora of pre-existing mods. So if you’re tired of rescuing settlements from raiders, ghouls, and super mutants, then maybe make this YouTube user’s dream come true:

Fallout 4 User Comment

If you can dream it, Jack Webb…

In order to access the 1.5 Update in Steam Beta, use the following steps:

  • Log into Steam
  • Right Click on Fallout 4 in your Library
  • Select Properties
  • Select Betas
  • A drop down menu will appear. Select beta
  • Wait a few minutes and Fallout 4 should update
  • When done, Fallout 4 should appear as Fallout 4 [Beta] in your Library

Console players will have to wait a little bit longer to get their hot little hands on the Creation Kit, but Bethesda promises that it is coming to Xboe One in May and PS4 in June. So that’s plenty of time to bring Thomas the Tank Engine to Fallout 4 too, right?


What mods do you want to see for Fallout 4? Will you be using the Creation Kit? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Bethesda/Sorenova

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star Wars and the Avengers. Follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious) and ask him about Jon Snow.

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