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ROGUE ONE Gets Recreated in FALLOUT 4 and It RULES

When the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer dropped last week, my reaction wasn’t quite on par with most people’s. Maybe it’s because my focus, movie-wise, has been specifically on Captain America: Civil War, but the trailer didn’t exactly knock me out of my trousers.


Luckily, Youtube creator UpIsNotJump has helped me appreciate the movie clip a little more by recreating the entire segment in Fallout 4. With the help of several sweet mods and a completely recreated Death Star, this iteration bears striking resemblance to the original trailer, from Mon Mothma—who’s donning that fresh young bathrobe—to the innumerable amount of cool-looking capes. Take a look at the original trailer for contrast:

Why can’t Bethesda just make the next Star Wars game already—Bethesda’s engine really makes the stormtrooper uniforms pop! It just so happens that Fallout 4‘s second DLC expansion, Wasteland Workshop, just went live this morning. The new update gives players tons of new workshop assets, and allows them to capture creatures from around the wasteland and cage them up in their settlements. To sum all of that up, you basically have the ability to be the leader of your very own Woodbury.

And since we’re talkin’ Rogue One, why not peep our trailer breakdown for inspiration for your next Fallout mod?

What other movie trailers do you want to see recreated in the Fallout 4 engine? Take a voyage down to the comments section with your thoughts.

Image: UpIsNotJump Youtube

Malik Forté is the Gaming Editor of Nerdist and the badass, fearless leader of the White Pants Illuminati. Find his ramblings on Twitter: @Malik4play.

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