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NYCC: Forever Batman Stamps Commemorate 75 Years of the Superhero

In case you didn’t know, Batman is a stamp collector. We got that straight from the mouth of Dan DiDio at New York Comic Con this morning. DiDio, DC Co-Publisher Jim Lee, and Jim Cochrane and Greg Breeding from the USPS, unveiled the new, limited edition of Forever® Batman™ stamps in commemoration of 75 years of the superhero winging into our hearts.

The collection of Forever stamps features art from the Gold, Bronze, Silver and Modern age of Batman. DC Comics and the USPS worked together to choose the perfect art for the stamps, which meant finding the right character portrayal and tone for each era’s feature. It will be a great addition to any Batman enthusiast’s collection.

Stamp Unveiling

We had the chance to speak to DiDio, Lee, Chochrane and Breeding at this morning’s event, and all were thrilled with the way that the Batman collection has turned out. Stamp collecting – or philately – was a main subject of conversation but so was the act of collecting itself.

“It’s a responsibility. We take it seriously.” Jim Chochrane, CIO at USPS, said of being part of an industry that inspires so many collectors today and even acts as an introduction to the value of collecting. He went on to explain that though some people think that stamp honorees should stick to the “dead poet” variety of choices, it’s important to stay relevant.

“Because of the digital revolution, I think objects matter more than ever before,” Greg Breeding, Art Director of the USPS, said in response to our question about the gateway aspects of stamp collecting. “The Digital Age has sort of robbed us of artifacts so collecting has, potentially, a new role in society.”

Over the course of our conversation, both Dan DiDio and Jim Lee talked about their own personal histories with stamp collecting, and how special it has been to work on the Forever® Batman™ stamps with the United States Postal Service. In addition to DiDio’s statement that it had been decided at DC that Bruce Wayne, and thus Batman, has been a stamp collector since he was a child, Lee shared a story of collecting the stamps off of letters from his family in Korea when he was little.

We asked what the chances were that we might find one of these stamps on the pages of a Batman comic in the near future – just as an Easter Egg for the eagle-eyed readers of comics – and while the idea got a solid laugh, no promises were made.

The Forever® Batman™ stamps are available starting today at USPS branches across the country and can also be ordered online. They’re absolutely gorgeous so we hope you will take the time to send some letters in the near future.

What superhero stamp would get you out and buying postcards in bulk for all your friends? Tell us in the comments below. We have a feeling this guy is going to be petitioning for a super villain line anytime now.

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