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Now You Can Enjoy Ice Cream in a J-Shaped Cone

Ice cream is the ultimate treat, so cool and satisfying it’s the perfect dessert all year long. There’s probably a psychological study about whether you choose a cup or a cone but in the summertime, cones seem to be king. A treat with an edible vessel, surely there’s no possible way to improve on it…or is there?

I give you, the Jipangyi! The J-shaped ice cream cone that is weird to look at and fun to eat. Ergonomically it makes sense, the J shape works like a pipe, allowing the melty ice cream to collect in the crook, therefore less spillage.

These J-cones originated in Korea but have recently made their way to America. Currently the Play J Ice Cream Truck is touring around New York City, offering up the pipe-cones for sale to ice cream fans. Meanwhile on the West Coast, Hawaii got an introduction from Corny Cones a company that started their own plant to create J-treats for the islands.

A photo posted by Play J (@playjscream) on

An alternative to sugary cones, the J-cones are gluten-free and made out of corn. This may take some getting used to as Americans tend to like their desserts on the sweet rather than savory side. It’s a hollow extrusion that is then filled with a non-dairy ice cream on both ends. Watching these cones being filled is just as magical as eating them.

Asian desserts are definitely pushing the envelope these days. These J-shaped cones are obviously instagram friendly but do they taste good? Truth be told, the adorable kids in the above video can make anything look delicious, unfortunately reviews for Jipangyi seem to be mixed on the taste factor.

Do these cones look amazing, or amazingly gross? Let us know in the comments! And if you happen to try one of these crazy J-shaped cones please tag @nerdistdotcom and @justjennrecipes on instagram so we can live our J-dreams through you.

H/T: Mashable
photo credit: Play J Ice Cream, video:

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